Akbar Hussain, PhD Professor, Department of Anthropology
Akbar Hussain completed his Ph.D. Degree from the University of Tsukuba, Japan (2001). Prior to that, he completed his BSS Honours and MSS degree from the Department of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University (1990). He was the Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and conducted research as Post-doctoral Fellow, He was engaged in Advanced Research at York University, Canada.
Akbar Hussain joined the Department in 1993 as Lecturer and became Professor in 2007. He taught as adjunct faculty at the University of Tsukuba in 2005-09.
Environment, Development, Health, Social and Cultural Issues
Akbar Hussain, Peasant Rationality in Decision Making, Jahangirnagar Review (Social Science), 47, 3, pp.71-84, 2023.Akbar Hussain (Co-author), Waste Management in Dhaka City: Public-Private-Community Initiatives, Jahangirnagar Review (Social Science), 47, 3, pp.197-211, 2023.
Akbar Hussain (Co-author), Adaptation to Malaria in Rainforest Valleys: The case of Indigenous People of the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Jahangirnagar Review (Social Science), 47, 2, pp.89-106, 2023.
Akbar Hussain (Co-author), The Implication of Local People's Perception of Development : A Prerequisite for the Mega Development Projects of the Government of Bangladesh, Jahangirnagar Review (Social Science), 47, 1, pp.193-202, 2023.
Akbar Hussain (Co-author), The Crisis in Management and Constraints of Healthcare Services in Public Hospitals, Samajbiggan Samikkha, 6, pp.165-176, 2023.
Akbar Hussain (Co-author), Community Resilience to Disaster Risks Management: a study on Agricultural and Rural Livelihoods, Journal of Anthropology, 26, pp.79-92,
Akbar Hussain, Kinship and Rural Power Structure, Journal of Social Development, 1, pp.7-26, 1993.
Akbar Hussain, Rural Power Structure: Sources of Power, Journal of Anthropology (Nrvijnana Patrika), 3, pp.93-112, 1993.
Akbar Hussain, Fieldwork: Contemporary Questions, Journal of Anthropology (Nrvijnana Patrika), 4, pp.36-53, 199.
Akbar Hussain, Anthropological Approach to the Study of Natural Disasters, Journal of Anthropology (Nrvijnana Patrika), 6, pp.67-85,
Akbar Hussain, Leadership Pattern and Its Forms in Hazardous Conditions, Asian Studies, 20, pp.86-94, 2001.
Akbar Hussain, Environmental Crisis: Causes and Considerations, Geography Journal, (Bhugol Patrika), 20, pp.71-80, 2002.
Akbar Hussain, Application of Geographic Information System in Anthropology and Archaeology, Archaeology (Prathnatathva), 8, pp.96-104, 2002.
Akbar Hussain, Political Anthropology: Issues and Approaches, Asian Studies, 21, pp.75-80, 2002.
Akbar Hussain, Fishing in a Coastal Zone in Bangladesh: Perspectives of Economic Anthropology, Jahangirnagar Economic Review, 13, 1, pp.31-44, 2002.
Akbar Hussain, Religion in the Political Process in Context of Bangladesh: A Historiographic Account, Journal of Anthropology (Nrvijnana Patrika), 11, pp.165-180, 2006.
Akbar Hussain, The Study of the Fishers and Fishing Community: Perspectives from Anthropology, The Jahangirnagar Review (Social Science), 29, pp.97-107, 2006.
Akbar Hussain, Gonojagaron Moncha’(Mass Movement Platform): A Platform for the Spirit of Liberation War, Samaj Nirikkhon, pp.63-82, 2013.
Akbar Hussain, 'We Lost Our Beloved' - Family Narratives on COVID 19 Deaths in Dhaka, Journal of Anthropology (Nrvijnana Patrika), 25, pp.67-92, 2020.
Akbar Hussain, Development: Looking from the Lens of Theory, Journal of Anthropology (Nrvijnana Patrika), 14, pp.65-86,
Akbar Hussain, Survivors of COVID 19: Micro-ethnography of the Coronavirus Recovery Process, The Jahangirnagar Review (Social Science), 44, pp.197-212, 2020.
Akbar Hussain, Pandemic, Lockdown and Nature's Revival: An Overview of Ecological-anthropological Perspective, The Jahangirnagar Review (Social Science), 43, pp.355-370, 2019.
Akbar Hussain, Living in the High-rise Flats and Apartments in Dhaka City, Journal of Anthropology (Nrvijnana Patrika), 15, pp.131-148, 2010.
Akbar Hussain, Human Environment Relationship: Anthropological Theoretical Perspective, The Jahangirnagar Review (Social Science), 25, 2002.
Akbar Hussain, Disaster Subculture: A Study of Survival in a Coastal Village in Bangladesh, Yakara: Studies in Ethnology, 30, pp.1-17, 1999.
Akbar Hussain, Ecological Economy of a Coastal Island in Bangladesh, Journal of Anthropology (Nrvijnana Patrika), 8, pp.57-80, 2003.
SamajBigghaner Shamprotik Gobeshona Pronbando, pp.1 - 270, 2023.COVID 19: Social science Perspectives, pp.1 - 285, 2023.
Editor: Akbar Hussain, Contemporary Issues in Social Sciences, 2022.
Akbar Hussain (Co-author), Environment and Social System in the Context of Small-scale Societies, pp.233- 256, 2022.In A. Hussain (ed.), Contemporary Issues in Social Sciences, Chapter 15, Pages 233-256
Akbar Hussain, Herd Immunity: Some Ethnographic Snapshots from the Field, Contemporary Issues inSocial Sciences, pp.29-44, 2022.In A. Hussain (Ed.), Contemporary Issues in Social Sciences, Chapter2, Page 29-44, 2022
Akbar Hussain, Ecological Anthropology:Historical Development and Issues, Society, Health and Body: Essays in Contemporary Anthropology, ( Edited by Nurul Alam), pp.146-68, 2003.Teaching
Course Code | Course Title | Semester/Year |
Anth 504 | Civil Society, Governance and Development | 2022-2023 |
Anth 601 | Advanced Theories in Anthropology | 2019-20, 2020-21 |
Anth 402 | Applied Anthropology | 2020-21 to 2021-2022 |
Academic Info
Period: 1989
Period: 1990
Period: 1993
Period: 1998
Period: 2001
Period: 2003-05
Period: 2011-13
Position: Dean (Acting), Faculty of Social sciences
Period: January 2022 -
Position: Researcher
Period: 2010-2015
Position: Adjunct Faculty
Period: 2005-2009
Position: Lecturer
Period: 1993-1996
Position: Assistant Professor
Period: 1996-2003
Position: Associate Professor
Period: 2003-2007
Position: Professor
Period: 2007-
Position: Dean (Acting)
Period: 16th January, 2022 onward
Position: Chairman
Period: 2007-2010
Akbar Hussain, PhD
Department of Anthropology
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Email: akbarju@juniv.edu